Installment payment method:

  • Astrapay
  • Auto Debit via Bank Permata, BCA, BRI, BNI, Mandiri
  • Payment via ATM
  • Payment via Transfer/RTGS
  • Cash deposit via Bank Teller
  • Post Office
  • Indomaret
  • Tokopedia
  • Bilyet giro

In that case, the due date for installment payment is on the last date of the month, for example: if it is due on the 31st, the payment must be made on the 30th in April.

Things that must be considered:

  1. Installment payment via bank transfer and cash deposit requires a Virtual Account (VA) number
  2. Virtual Account (VA) is an account number for installment payment via Bank Permata using your name as the owner of the Virtual Account (VA)
  3. Make sure you know your Virtual Account (VA) number
  4. Virtual Account (VA) number consists of 16 digits
  5. You will get a Virtual Account (VA) number along with the contract that will be sent to your address after activation
  6. Administrative fees for installment payments via bank transfer and cash deposit can change at any time without prior notification (in accordance with applicable bank regulations)

Please make an installment payment maximum 3 (three) days before the due date to avoid late fees.

Installment Due Date is the maximum date customer can make installment payment without being subject to fines

TAF cannot provide proof of installment payment. A validated ATM receipt or other validated payment documents is proof of payment that you can use. You can download the Installment Table in the Flex apps under the MY ACCOUNT menu.

It is recommended for you to make installment payments that are due on national holidays (including Saturday and Sunday) on working days prior to the due date to avoid late fees.

Please be noted that each installment payment method takes time to be recorded by TAF:

  • Astrapay: we will receive your payment 1 days after you make the payment
  • Auto debit via Bank Permata, BCA, BRI, BNI, Mandiri: payment will be received on the day your account is debited
  • Payment via ATM: we will receive payment 1 days after you make a payment
  • Payment via Transfer / RTGS: we will receive payment 1 days after you make a payment
  • Cash deposit via Bank Teller: we will receive payment 1 days after you make a payment
  • Post Office: we will receive your payment 1 days after you make a payment
  • Indomaret: we will receive payment 1 days after you make a payment
  • Tokopedia: we will receive payment 1 days after you make a payment
  • Bilyet Giro: we will receive payment 1 days after you make a payment

You can look at the BILLING menu in the FLEX apps or see the information on the Financing Agreement document or contact TAF Contact Center.

The amount of fine can be seen in the Financing Agreement document. If the fine is listed as 0.4%, the calculation of the installment fine is as follows: 0.4% x installment size x number of days late, plus late administration fee.

The late installment penalty will be debited together with the installment.

Report your claim immediately to the insurance company call center (max 2 x 24 hours). You can see the call center number on your insurance policy.

There are 2 (two) types of Vehicle Insurance:

  1. Comprehensive: Covers the risk of loss/damage in part (Partial Loss) or in whole (Total Loss), which is caused by risks that are not excluded in the policy.
  2. Total Loss Only (TLO): Covers the risk of total loss/damage if the repair cost is estimated to be equal to or exceeding 75% of the price of the vehicle before the damage occurs, and guarantees loss if the vehicle is stolen.

Damage/loss due to collisions, impacts, overturning, slipping, malicious acts, theft, fire and losses due to ship crossing under the Director General of Land Transportation.

  • Embezzlement, fraud, hypnosis and the like
  • Overloaded, loaded goods/animals, chemicals
  • Riot, except by extension
  • Natural disasters, except by extension
  • Damage and loss of additional equipment, tires, wheels or worn out materials
  • Malicious acts committed by: The insured himself Husband or wife, children, parents or siblings of the insured People who work for the insured or live with the insured

Additional costs:

  1. Premium in accordance with the value of your debt
  2. Administrative costs for credit life insurance

You or your heir can contact TAF Contact Center or come directly to the nearest TAF Branch Office.

Customer's original KTP / KITAS / KITAP which is still valid and has a signature.

Customers can make a booking for BPKB retrieval in the BPKB RETRIEVAL menu on the Flex apps or contact TAF Contact Center.

  • Original National ID Card (KTP), Limited Stay Permit Card (KITAS), or Permanent Stay Permit Card (KITAP) of the Director or an authorized officer representing the Business Entity at the time. The identity card must be valid and bear a signature.
  • Business Entity stamp.
  • A photocopy of the Articles of Establishment or a copy of the Decision Statement of the Meeting regarding the structure of the Management (Board of Directors) and Oversight (Board of Commissioners) of the latest Business Entity.
  • The Grantor/CONSUMER must be verifiable by telephone with the Business Entity using the mobile phone number registered in the system before the process of taking the Vehicle Ownership Book (BPKB) by the Attorney.
  • KTP / KITAS / KITAP Asli Pelanggan yang masih berlaku dan terdapat tanda tangan
  • KTP / KITAS / KITAP Asli Penerima Kuasa yang masih berlaku dan terdapat tanda tangan
  • Surat Kuasa Asli dari Pelanggan kepada Penerima Kuasa (bermaterai Rp 10.000) yang berisi data Pelanggan dan Penerima Kuasa dan informasi data kendaraan yang BPKBnya akan diambil.
  • Pemberi Kuasa /KONSUMEN wajib bisa dilakukan verifikasi melalui telepon sesuai dengan nomor handphone yang tercatat pada sistem sebelum proses pengambilan BPKB oleh Penerima Kuasa.

The customer pays the agreed amount of money plus the penalty calculated from the remaining principal of the loan: (i) 7% (seven percent) if repayment is made within 1 year from the date of the Financing Agreement or (ii) in the amount of 5 % (five percent) if repayment is made more than 1 year after the date of the Financing Agreement. This fee is added with current interest, late administration fees, late fees, towing fees for vehicles and accelerated payment administration fees, as well as other outstanding fees.

How to administer STNK tax through TAF Branch Offices:

Customer provides the original KTP / KITAS / KITAP with the same name as stated on the valid and signed STNK as well as the original STNK along with the tax fee

How to administer STNK Tax personally:

Customer asks for a copy of the BPKB and TAF cover letter through the Flex apps or TAF Contact Center

You can track the status of your application via the Flex apps on MY ACCOUNT> APPLICATIONS menu

You can track the status of your application via the Flex apps on MY ACCOUNT> APPLICATIONS menu

Dokumen Persyaratan Pengajuan Kredit Kendaraan Baru (Perorangan) Dokumen Wajib

  • KTP / KITAP / KITAS Asli Pelanggan dan bertanda tangan
  • KTP / KITAP / KITAS Asli Pasangan
  • KTP atas nama STNK (jika diperlukan)
  • KTP guarantor (jika diperlukan)
  • NPWP
  • Kartu Keluarga
  • Rekening tabungan atau slip gaji 3 bulan terakhir

Dokumen Pendukung

  • Surat Pemesanan Kendaraan (SPK)
  • ID card atau informasi lain yang mendukung identitas customer
  • Bukti kepemilikan rumah atau kontrak rumah

Requirements for submitting Siap Dana loan documents (individual)

Mandatory documents

  • Customer's original and signed KTP / KITAP / KITAS
  • Spouse's original KTP / KITAP / KITAS - KTP of the STNK holder (if needed)
  • Guarantor's KTP (if required)
  • NPWP
  • Family card
  • BPKB
  • Savings account / salary slips for the last 3 months

Supporting document

  • Proof of home ownership / house contract

In accordance with the applicable OJK regulations, for transaction security and for smooth communication, you must immediately update your personal and occupation data if there is a change via Flex apps on the PROFILE menu or contact TAF Contact Center or visit the nearest TAF Branch Office.

E-Statement is an installment payment record in the form of a digital copy (soft copy) which will be sent to your registered email address at TAF.

You can register your email via TAF Contact Center

If you do not receive an email in your inbox, please check the SPAM / JUNK MAIL folder you are currently using. If you do not receive an email in the SPAM / JUNK MAIL folder, you can contact TAF Contact Center.

TAF Contact Center:

Call Center WhatsApp TAF 0895 80 1500 550
Email [email protected]

Customers can file a complaint at TAF Contact Center or the nearest TAF Branch Office.

1. Pilih menu "PEMBAYARAN"
2. Pilih menu "CICILAN"
4. Masukkan nomor Virtual Account Anda, klik "Lanjut", periksa Nomor Virtual Account, jika benar pilih "BENAR"
5. Periksa Nama Penerima (Nama di perjanjian) dan Jumlah Pembayaran (jumlah tagihan dan biaya Virtual Account Rp 5.000)
6. Lakukan pembayaran

Syarat dan Ketentuan :
1. Pembayaran angsuran melalui Permata diterima oleh TAF secara real-time

1. Pilih menu "TRANSAKSI LAIN"
2. Pilih menu "BAYAR/BELI"
3. Pilih menu "ANGSURAN"
4. Masukkan kode perusahaan (21009) TAF/TOYOTA/DAIHATSU lalu klik "BENAR" + isi nomor Virtual Account Anda
5. Periksa Nama Penerima (Nama di perjanjian) dan Jumlah Pembayaran (jumlah tagihan dan biaya Virtual Account Rp 5.000)
6. Lakukan pembayaran

Syarat dan Ketentuan :
1. Pembayaran angsuran melalui BRI diterima oleh TAF secara real-time

1. Pilih menu "TRANSAKSI LAIN"
2. Pilih menu "BAYAR/BELI"
3. Pilih menu "ANGSURAN"
4. Masukkan kode perusahaan (21009) TAF/TOYOTA/DAIHATSU lalu klik "BENAR" + isi nomor Virtual Account Anda
5. Periksa Nama Penerima (Nama di perjanjian) dan Jumlah Pembayaran (jumlah tagihan dan biaya Virtual Account Rp 5.000)
6. Lakukan pembayaran

Syarat dan Ketentuan :
1. Pembayaran angsuran melalui Mandiri diterima oleh TAF H+1 setelah transaksi

1. Pilih menu "TRANSFER"
2. Pilih menu "BANK LAIN"
3. Masukkan kode Bank Permata (013)
4. Masukkan Jumlah Pembayaran (jumlah tagihan dan biaya Virtual Account Rp 5.000)
5. Masukkan nomor Virtual Account Anda
6. Periksa Nama Penerima (Nama di perjanjian) dan Jumlah Pembayaran (jumlah tagihan dan biaya Virtual Account Rp 5.000)
7. Lakukan pembayaran

Syarat & Ketentuan: 
1. Daftarkan nomor Virtual Account anda terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan "TRANSFER"
2. Wajib memilih layanan transfer "Realtime Transfer"
3. Pembayaran angsuran melalui BCA diterima oleh TAF secara real-time

1. Pilih menu "BAYAR"
2. Pilih menu "INSTITUSI"
3. Masukkan kode perusahaan TAF Syariah (2194) + nomor Virtual Account
4. Periksa Nama Penerima (Nama di Perjanjian) dan Jumlah Pembayaran (jumlah tagihan dan biaya Virtual Account Rp. 5,000,-)
5. Lakukan pembayaran

Syarat dan Ketentuan :
1. Pembayaran angsuran melalui BSI diterima oleh TAF H+1 setelah transaksi

1. Pilih menu "PEMBAYARAN"
3. Masukkan nomor Virtual Account TAF - Danamon : 880700 + Nomor Kontrak
4. Periksa Nama Penerima (Nama di Perjanjian) dan Jumlah Pembayaran (jumlah tagihan dan biaya Virtual Account Rp. 5,000,-)
5. Lakukan pembayaran

Syarat dan Ketentuan :
1. Pembayaran angsuran melalui Danamon diterima oleh TAF secara real-time

1. Pilih menu "TRANSFER"
2. Pilih menu "KE BANK LAIN"
3. Masukkan kode BANK PERMATA (013)
4. Masukkan nomor Virtual Account Anda
5. Masukkan Jumlah Pembayaran (jumlah tagihan dan biaya Virtual Account Rp 5.000)*
6. Periksa Nama Penerima (Nama di perjanjian)
7. Lakukan pembayaran

Syarat & Ketentuan
1. Maksimal nominal transfer tergantung dari jenis kartu ATM masing-masing Bank (Misal : Maksimal transfer jenis kartu ATM Bank BCA Silver adalah Rp 25.000.000)
2. Biaya jaringan antar Bank akan langsung terdebet dari rekening Anda
3. Struk/bukti transfer dari bank adalah bukti pembayaran resmi TAF 
4. Wajib menggunakan layanan transfer "Online Payment" 

1. Buka Aplikasi Tokopedia Anda
2. Klik “Top –Up & Tagihan”
3. Klik “Angsuran Kredit”
4. Pilih penyedia layanan dan masukan Virtual Account, lalu “Cek Tagihan”
5. Cek data kontrak dan tagihan, jika sudah benar klik “Lanjut”
6. Pilih Metode Pembayaran
7. Payment Channel yang dapat digunakan:
  • OVO
  • Transfer Virtual Account Bank
  • Transfer Bank (Verifikasi Manual)
  • Pembayaran Instant (Klik BCA, BRI e-Pay, LinkAja, dll)
  • Tunai Gerai Retail (Indomaret, Alfa, JNE, Kantor Pos)

8. Klik “Bayar”

Syarat dan Ketentuan :
1. Pembayaran angsuran melalui Tokopedia diterima oleh TAF H+1 setelah transaksi

  1. Pilih menu 'Angsuran'
  2. Pilih 'TAF'
  3. Cek detail pembayaran dan pilih 'Pay'
  4. Masukan nomor Virtual Account
  5. Masukan 'PIN'

Syarat dan Ketentuan :
1. Apabila cicilan >Rp 2.000.000 pastikan aplikasi Astra Pay Bapak/Ibu sudah menjadi Preferred.
2. Cicilan maksimal Rp 10.000.000
3. Pembayaran angsuran melalui AstraPay diterima oleh TAF H+1 setelah transaksi

  1. Datang ke Indomaret terdekat
  2. Sebutkan Nomor VA Anda
  3. Kasir Indomaret akan menginformasikan total tagihan
  4. Lakukan pembayaran sesuai tagihan
  5. Ambil struk dan simpan sebagai bukti pembayaran Anda
Syarat dan Ketentuan :
1. Cicilan maksimal Rp 5.000.000 (termasuk biaya admin), dengan biaya admin Rp 7.500
2. Pembayaran angsuran melalui Indomaret diterima oleh TAF H+1 setelah transaksi

  1. Informasikan bahwa Anda akan melakukan pembayaran angsuran TAF / TOYOTA /DAIHATSU
  2. Sebutkan 16 digit nomor Virtual Account Anda
  3. Petugas akan mengkonfirmasi Nama Penerima (Nama di perjanjian) dan Jumlah Pembayaran (jumlah tagihan dan biaya Kantor Pos Rp 7.000)
  4. Lakukan pembayaran

Syarat dan Ketentuan :
1. Wajib menggunakan POS PAY
2. Pembayaran angsuran melalui Kantor Pos diterima oleh TAF H+1 setelah transaksi

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